SAX (Desert Rebels MC Book 4) Page 24
"Yup." I grinned when Holly got to her feet with a helping hand from Jolene. "No more talk about that bitch on my wedding day."
Holly grabbed Ava by the hand and walked my way.
There was a big smile on her beautiful face. "Our daughter needs to be changed."
Her words, and the rank smell that wafted from Ava's diaper, wiped the smile right off my face.
"I don't want to take a chance and get poop on my gown."
"That's a weak excuse, Babe," I mockingly grumbled. Ava let go of her mother's hand and grabbed my knee. She was looking more and more like Holly every day, but I saw some of me in her facial expressions, especially when she was being stubborn. But when she peered up at me with that little smile on her cherub face, I couldn't resist her. Like her mother, she already had me wrapped around her little finger, and she knew it.
That's all it took. My heart swelled. I glared at Holly, because she knew it. Her eyes sparkled triumphantly.
"See? She wants her dada to change her."
I let my eyes drift down to her large tits, and then her baby bump. Her changing body turned me on, and I wanted to fuck her all the time. When we'd signed the papers for the house we’d bought, we'd christened every fucking room and surface. I wanted to pull her down onto my lap now, but that would be hard to do with Ava clinging to my leg.
"Here, let me take the little munchkin." I hadn't even noticed Jolene approaching us. "Come to Aunt Jolene, honey bun." She lifted Ava, wrinkling her nose. "Whew!"
"She needs to be changed," Holly said, stating the obvious.
"You think?"
"I was going to put her down for a nap, too."
"I can do that. Do I need to give her a bottle or anything?"
"There's a bottle in the fridge, and you might have to rock her for a minute or two."
"I think I can manage that, huh, baby girl?" Jolene turned and disappeared into the house.
As soon as Jolene was gone, I grabbed Holly by the hand and pulled her down on my lap. "Thank fuck for aunts," I said against her neck. God, she smelled good.
Holly shivered beneath my lips, a husky laugh escaping her. "Sooner or later you're going to have to change a shitty diaper." Her fingers tangled in my trimmed hair.
I pulled back to meet her smiling eyes. "I've changed shitty diapers!"
She grunted. "When?"
I hesitated as I tried to decide if it was in my best interest to change the subject. "Are we really going to discuss shitty diapers right now?" I nuzzled her neck again.
"What would you like to do, husband?" Fuck, I liked the sound of that. "Go for it right here in this chair and give our guests a show?"
"Well, it is our wedding day." I couldn't resist her mouth another second, and covered it with mine. Our kiss quickly turned rough and deep, bringing up moans of pleasure. My dick was already getting hard beneath her ass, and Holly ground against it, using the full skirt of her wedding dress to camouflage what she was doing. "You're playing with fire, woman."
She giggled. "I thought I was playing with your cock."
Someone cleared their throat. Bull was still on the ground, watching us with unashamed interest. Cole was pretending to be interested in something across the yard.
"Just thought I should remind you that I'm here," Bull quipped humorously. "So you won't do anything to make my eyes fall out."
Bull was not the only one--the entire club and their families were there.
Holly laughed, but that didn't stop her grinding, and it wasn't long before my dick was at its hardest. Two could play at her game, and I snuck my hand under her skirt. When she felt my hand on her leg she turned her head to give me a look. I raised a brow, as if daring her to say something. I let my fingers climb up between her silken thighs.
She leaned into my ear. "Don't you dare."
I grunted when her teeth bit down on me. "Oh, but it's okay for you to grind that sweet ass against my dick?"
Someone cleared their throat, and we both looked at Bull. "Um, I hear everything you're saying, and just wanted to point out that it's having an effect on me." The cute, endearing smile he tried to pull off didn't work with his size and bulk.
"Then get your own woman, Brother," I growled, flicking my fingers over the silk covering Holly's wet pussy. I knew she was wet, because her panties were soaked.
"None of the club girls were invited," he pouted.
"Not talking about club girls. You need to find yourself a woman you can have this with. Someone who will put up with your bullshit outlaw ways." I gave Holly a brief kiss. "Someone who loves you unconditionally." My lips landed on her again. "Someone who will make you a better man, Brother. You need a good woman."
"Okay, okay!" Bull said, getting to his feet. "You've just ruined the mood!" He stomped off like a disillusioned child.
One day Bull was going to fall, and it was going to be epic.
Holly and I shared a laugh. "He doesn't know what he's missing, Baby." I easily fingered her panties aside and sank my finger inside her. She quivered wildly, moaned, and spread her thighs to give me more room.
I looked out across our yard. No one was paying us any mind, and if they were to happen to look over, all they would see was a man holding his bride on his lap while she wrapped her arms around his neck and held on. The layers of her skirt easily hid my hand and most of my arm.
"Sax…" she mumbled breathlessly against my neck.
Soon her tongue was licking my skin and sending electrical shocks straight down to my dick. I thrust my hips up in a slow, subtle movement, grinding my aching cock against her bottom. Her sigh went straight through me, and I added another finger. "Fuck, Baby, I can't believe I'm going to make you come right here on my lap."
She shivered wildly, her body clamping down on my fingers as slick cream surrounded them. Little puffs of her hot breath bathed my neck as she held back her normal response when she came.
"You're fucking beautiful when you come." With her pussy convulsing around my fingers, I kissed her roughly and thrust my tongue against hers, showing her what she did to me. "I'm barely holding on here, Babe."
She smiled as a last tremble shook her. "We haven't christened the garage yet," she suggested in a husky voice.
She looked like an angel, her expression soft. The dreaminess in her eyes had little to do with being tired. My gaze lingered on her swollen mouth. Damn, I wanted those lips around my dick. But more than that, I wanted my dick swallowed by another pair of succulent lips. I slowly pulled my fingers from her swollen pussy, satisfied by her low moan of protest.
"I like how you think, Babe."
"Go ahead. I'll make excuses if anyone comes looking for you."
"Oh, God!" Holly whisper yelled at the sound of Cole's amused voice. She buried her face against my neck in embarrassment.
I met my brother's eyes with a contented smirk. I'd forgotten he was there. He clearly had witnessed what had just transpired and made no apologies for it. I couldn’t have cared less. We'd been brothers a long time, had been through a lot together, and had seen a lot. I got up with Holly in my arms.
"You do that, asshole."
His laughter followed us all the way to the garage.
The End
Thank you for reading my book, SAX. A review where you purchased the book would be greatly appreciated.
About Tory Richards
Tory Richards is an Amazon bestselling author who writes smut with a plot. Born in Maine, she's lived most of her life in Florida where she went to school, married, and raised her daughter. She's retired from Disney and spends her time with family and friends, traveling, and writing.
Below are blurbs for the first three books in the series as well as a blurb and excerpt for Taken by the Outlaw. Check out my Amazon author page for other MC series like Phantom Riders MC and Nomad Outlaws Trilogy.
Desert Rebels MC Series
Bull - coming the end of 2020
Book 1, COLE
As enforcer of the Desert Rebels Cole's job is to protect his MC. As a favor to a friend they take in a young woman who they think is trying to escape a crazy ex. But she's lying. When the truth comes out, so does trouble to the club. Cole wants Raven, but will their explosive attraction to one another be enough to overcome the deception, and give them both a chance at happiness?
Book 2, DEMON
Demon - He's a known womanizer and a man with secrets, but he runs Desert Rebels with an iron fist. He had an old lady once, and he doesn't want another one. A spirited little club girl catches his eye, but fear of commitment forces him to push her away. Trouble and betrayal in the MC brings them back together, leaving him with a decision to make--either trust her and claim her, or send her away for good.
Bobbie - She's a club girl whose purpose is to satisfy the men, but there's only one man she wants--the president of Desert Rebels. He avoids her until the pain of seeing him with every other woman causes her to leave. But leaving doesn't keep her from getting into trouble with the club, and soon she's right back where she started. Distrust and betrayal comes between them, but Bobbie’s determined to prove to Demon that she can be the old lady that he needs.
Book 3, LD
Jolene was a fucking goddess, the kind that men would go to their death willingly just for a taste of her. To see if the reality lived up to the fantasy. But I wasn't a man. I was a fucking monster. And her interest in me was going to be her ruin. The only thing I gave a damn about was my club, and my brothers. And I was going to show her just how fucking dangerous I could become.
Taken by the Outlaw
Would you give yourself to a stranger? Gwendolyn Myers never thought about it until she runs into Marcus 'Bowie' Ford at the Pink Pussy. A run-down hotel at the edge of town. She's on the run, but one taste of the sexy biker convinces Gwen that her running days might be over!
I watched his hand slowly descend but before it reached my cheek another hand shot out, out of nowhere, clamped around the drunk’s thick wrist, and stopped his arm in mid air. Heat radiated off a presence behind me and I slowly turned, catching my breath. My eyes locked onto the narrowed, fear-provoking gaze of my savior, the hunky biker. His warm, whiskey laced breath bathed my forehead, and my gaze fell to his mouth, which was way too close. For a crazy second I wondered what kissing those sensuous lips would taste like.
Realizing that I was staring I glanced up at him.
"Run little girl, things are about to get fucking ugly."
I shook my head. "I don't want to cause any trouble."
"Then you should have heeded to my warning.” His tone said he was annoyed that I hadn’t. “Now get the fuck out of here."
I opened my mouth to speak but his expression darkened even more. I shivered from the intensity, realizing that his anger was directed at me as much as the drunk. I didn't know this man, and it occurred to me that I didn't want to. He might be hot as hell, but danger dripped from every pore.
He looked determined, and dangerous.
I don't know why I listened to him, but suddenly my arm was released, and I was heading toward the door. On my way there I dodged other bikers who were quickly heading toward the bar. I heard a loud commotion start but didn't turn around. Once I hit the door and was outside, I took a deep breath, not realizing until then that I'd been holding my breath.
Fuck! My heart was racing a mile a minute. That was…intense, and had happened so fast. I couldn't recall ever striking anyone before. My reaction to the biker's command pissed me off because Greg had always told me what to do. I didn't need some stranger taking his place, even if it was my fault for jumping when he said jump. If I was going to make it on my own then I needed to exert myself.
I checked for traffic before crossing the road to the hotel. I made it all the way to my door before remembering that I'd forgotten my damn sandwich. Crap! Well, I wasn't going back. The cheese and crackers I’d picked up at a convenience store earlier would have to do until morning. I unlocked my door, and headed straight to the bathroom, thinking about a nice long soak in the tub.