Dangerous (Nomad Outlaws Trilogy Book 2) Read online

Page 9

  I needed to get the fuck out of there. Distance myself. I grabbed my saddlebags and stomped out to my bike, my baby, the only real woman I could trust. I'd stop for breakfast and coffee at a diner that I remembered was a little ways down the road. Five seconds later I was riding down the dirt road toward the camp entrance.

  As I came up on Luna's trailer I was surprised to see a bike parked next to it. I slowed down, coming to a gradual stop as I wondered who the fuck was there. I sat there for a minute, listening to the muted voices coming from inside. I couldn't make out the words, but the tone seemed friendly, and there was laughter. I ground my back teeth at the image in my mind of Luna with another man. Why should it fucking matter?

  I almost cracked my fucking jaw. I tried to push the memory of her naked curves away, but I'd spent the night fucking that plump snatch and biting those luscious tits with those rosy, tempting nipples, and I couldn’t get it out of my mind. I'd fucked her pussy, her tits, her mouth, and her sweet ass. I had claimed every part of her that I could get my dick into, and she'd loved every minute of it. So why the fuck was I letting this shit get to me?

  It was supposed to be casual.

  It was going to remain casual.

  I would just have to get the fuck over it.

  Because there was no room in my life for a woman like Luna.

  I shook my head with irritation and was about to move on when the door opened and Fury came rushing out, laughing his fucking head off. "I'll be back with my toys!"

  Luna was right behind him. "I'll be here," she smiled. When her gaze met mine the smile disappeared.

  Toys? Fuck. Me. My blood began to boil, and I knew I was in trouble.

  "Oh, hey, brother," Fury tossed at me on his way to his bike. "On your way out?"

  I didn't answer him, keeping my eyes on Luna. It was hard to tell what she was thinking, her face was blank. But her eyes didn't lie, the lady was still furious at me. She crossed her arms and we stared at each other until Fury had ridden off.

  "Puck last night, Fury this morning. You move fast." I knew that I was being an asshole, but I couldn't stop myself.

  "And don't forget you were in the middle," she said coldly. "At this rate I should be able to get through the club in just a few days. Is that casual enough for you?" She had no idea what her words were doing to me. "Maybe we can have a contest, Jace. You work your way through the club women, and‒" She halted when she heard my growl as I threw my leg over my bike to dismount.

  "That reminds me," I snarled, reaching for my wallet, knowing that I was going to cause shit with my next actions, but unable to stop myself. I opened it up and ripped out a couple of bills. I tossed the money at her but missed, and the bills floated to the ground. "I think a couple of hundred should about cover your services for last night."

  She looked at the money in shock, and then her gaze flew back to me. "What‒?" I knew the moment that it dawned on her what the money was for. Her face turned red and her cat-like eyes flashed orange-yellow fire at me. "You . . . you fucking bastard!" she screamed at me. Tears brightened those orbs, and I felt a moment of deep regret. "Leave!" A sob escaped her, tearing into my soul. She made no attempt to pick up the money.

  I didn't say a fucking thing. I jumped back on my bike, revved the engine, and spun out of there, spitting dirt and rocks behind me as I went.

  I decided to skip the breakfast and coffee, and headed straight for the fucking interstate.

  Chapter 12


  "Hi, Mom."

  "How did you know it was me?" I could hear the smile in her voice.

  "You're the only one who calls me." It was true. Every other Wednesday she called me at the agreed upon time. "How are you and Daddy?"

  "We're doing okay, dear. You're dad has been feeling good enough to go out on the lake."

  That worried me. My parents had a lake on their property, but it wasn't near the house, and Dad liked to fish alone. He liked the solitude, peace, and quiet, and had told mom and me once that when he was in his boat alone on the water, surrounded by nothing but mother nature, that he was at his most content. It was his way of escaping.

  "Do you think that's a good idea, Mom?"

  "Probably not, but he's too old and stubborn to change now. I made him take his cell. So how are you getting along? Have you made any friends there in the camp?"

  "Yeah, I have actually. It's not as lonely as I thought it would be. There are quite a few people who live here, like, permanently. And my trailer is practically right across from this little restaurant. They're always busy."

  "I'm so glad to hear that. Of course, come winter I'm sure the place will clear out. Maybe‒" She caught herself, and I knew what she'd been about to say. They wanted me home come winter. "I suppose we'll have to come up with a new place for you to live when the time comes."

  I made a mental note to ask Casey what she did when winter time came. Her trailer was more of a home than my little Shasta was, but I wasn't sure if she had heat. I still had plenty of time to worry about it, winter was months away.

  I took a deep breath before asking the dreaded question. "Have you heard anything from Seth?"

  "Yes, he still calls. He's getting frustrated with us for not telling him where you are. He knows that we have to know where you are, even though we tell him we don't."

  I was okay with that, as long as all he did was call them. Eventually he'd have to give up, right? I mean, it wasn't as if we’d been crazy in love or anything. I had become simply a possession for Seth, someone who he could wield complete power over to make up for all of the things that he couldn't control in his own life, and I'd been a fool for letting him. In the end, it had gotten so bad that I couldn't do anything to make him happy.

  "Anything exciting going on?" It was a silly question. My parents didn't leave the house unless it was to go to church. They even had their groceries delivered.

  I heard her sigh. "Exciting?" She laughed. "No, not unless you call trouble with the phone lines exciting."

  I laughed. They were probably the last people in the county that still used a land line. "Are you using the house phone now?"

  "Yes, dear, why?"

  "Oh, no reason. I don't know why you still have a house phone when cells are so convenient. You can slip it in your pocket and take it everywhere."

  She laughed. "I guess I'm just too old school and don't like change." That was true. Dad was the same way. It had been a chore getting him to agree to use a cell when he was away from the house. "It was nothing major with the lines, apparently a section of it had been chewed on by some critter."

  I shook my head, smiling. That hadn't been the first time, and probably wouldn't be the last. "Well, okay then. I guess I'll talk to you next Wednesday. Ask Dad to be around, I do like to talk to him once in a while, too," I joked.

  She chuckled and we said our goodbyes. I let out a sigh, setting my phone down on the step next to me. I was sitting outside my trailer on the steps, thankful for the break in all of the rain that we'd been getting lately. It had been coming down for almost a week, turning everything lush and green, but also leaving the road soggy and filled with mini-pools that were big enough to swallow a car. It seemed nice waking to sunshine this morning.


  Casey's yell drew my gaze to her front door. "I'm going to take a run into town and do a little shopping. There's a lingerie shop I especially want to stop at. Come with me?"

  Why not? I hadn't been out of camp much except to make a couple of trips to Walmart. "Sure, what time?"

  "Ten minutes?"

  "Okay, let me change real quick." My tee was okay, but the raggedy cutoffs were too short for my comfort level. I quickly slipped into some regular shorts and sneakers, pulled my long hair up into a ponytail, and grabbed my purse.

  I had just left my place and was heading to hers when a loud, thunderous sound drew my attention to where a group of motorcycles were coming down the road from the direction of the Wreckers' clubhouse. A
lmost immediately a half a dozen or so of them were approaching where I was. It was obvious that they weren't going to stop, and I met the eyes of some of the men that I knew--Jim, Raze, and Reaper, catching their chin nods. Fury, who was a big flirt, threw me a kiss. Puck just grinned and waved. I liked both men, and though I knew that Fury would like to take our friendship further, he seemed okay with just being friends. I'd come to know a lot of the Wreckers and their old ladies in the month since I'd been going to their weekend parties, growing closest to Fury and Puck.

  Rosa, Marie, Bee, Reba, and Judy were the official club old ladies. Judy and Reba were the oldest in the group, and didn't hang out at the clubhouse like the others did, unless Reba was working behind the bar with her husband, Tiger. Bee, Wolfman's old lady, also helped out behind the bar, but when she wasn't working she was usually home with their son, Max.

  It had been a month since Jace had left, and I tried not to think about him. I'd learned that he'd gone to New Mexico on a job, but that was all I knew. If anyone knew what kind of job, they weren't sharing, because, as Casey had explained to me, bikers didn't discuss business, club or otherwise, period. If he'd stayed in contact with Reaper or anyone else I hadn't heard, and I'd convinced myself that I didn't care.

  I did care, though.

  And I kind of hoped that he didn't come back, because I couldn't do casual. I'd thought I could, but I'd only been fooling myself. Seeing him with that woman, CC, as I'd later learned was her name, had just about destroyed me, and it had been that brief incident that had opened my eyes to the fact that casual just wasn't for me. No, it would be better if he didn't return, because honestly, I was still attracted to the jerk. I still wanted him, but I couldn't be with him, and I sure as hell didn't want to see him with other women.

  The cold and hurtful way that he had reacted when I’d met him on my front porch after I’d left his place that morning still baffled me, but I had stopped trying to understand it. I’d put the money that he'd thrown at me away to return to him if I ever had the chance.

  Casey's door flew open and she stepped outside. "Was Jim with them?" She was looking after the bikes that were disappearing down the road.

  "Yeah, he was. They looked like they were going to war," I laughed jokingly. "All dressed in black and leather, their half-helmets on."

  "You're probably not far off," she surprised me by saying. I met her eyes questioningly. "There's something going on, some kind of trouble, but Jim won't talk to me about it."

  "Then how do you know there’s trouble?" We were moving toward her little red Prius.

  "Believe me, when you're involved with a biker and their club, you get to know the signs. And I've caught a bit of conversation here and there." We climbed inside and she stuck the key into the ignition. "Besides, Jim's been moody lately. Another sign that there's trouble brewing."

  "Do you think it's with the same MC that showed up here last month?" I shivered at the thought, recalling all of the gunfire.

  Casey laughed humorously, backing her Prius out. "God, I hope not."

  "Me, too. So where exactly are we going shopping?"

  "In town there's this cute little touristy area of shops and restaurants. It's going to be busy this time of year, the Lake George area is a hot spot during the summer months, dead during winter. I thought you might help me pick up some decorative pieces for my home. I like what you've done to yours to add color and some homey touches."

  "That'll be fun," I said. "I might find something, too."

  She snorted. "Where will you put it?"

  "I know! Right?" I laughed. "But my little trailer is beginning to grow on me. It's easy to keep clean, and it has everything I need except for a shower."

  "Don't you get tired going to the park facilities to shower?"

  I shook my head. "It's a hassle, but they're clean at least. I don't think anyone else uses them."

  "Well, you're welcome to use my shower any time. It's not big, but it's better than nothing."

  "Thanks," I said. "So, what was this about lingerie?"

  A forlorn sigh preceded her response, drawing my gaze away from the roadside. "I need ammunition, the kind that hooks a certain biker into making his move a little faster."

  Oh. "Jim dragging his feet?" She nodded, her mouth turned down. "Maybe he's afraid."

  "Hell, I'm afraid! I must be out of my mind wanting to get with a dangerous biker, but I love him, Luna. We've been messing around long enough for him to make it permanent."

  My eyes rounded. "You mean marriage?" I didn't think they'd been together long enough for that, but who was I to say different?

  "No, not exactly. I mean, maybe someday, but right now I'd just settle for sweetheart."

  I was totally confused. "Honey, isn't that what you are? You're having sex‒" I stopped myself from saying more. Holy crap! Was Jim another Jace? Only interested in casual sex?

  Casey continued. "Yeah, we're having sex, and I'm the only one he's doing it with." I wondered if that were true, but kept quiet. "But with his club you have to put a name on the relationship before you're considered family. Right now I'm just a girl he's fucking. He has to claim me as his sweetheart or old lady before I belong." She cast me a quick look. "And I want to belong. I want to know that he cares enough about me to make it more permanent."

  "I'm sure he cares about you," I said, thinking about how Jim acted when he was with Casey. He only had eyes for her when they were together. He was attentive, and he treated her as if she was something special. "Maybe he considers you his sweetheart but just hasn't said the words."

  "No, you don’t understand, honey. His MC has rules. He has to claim me in front of his brothers. It's their way of letting the members know that a woman is off limits to them. That she belongs to him, and is to be protected."

  Wow, that was a lot to take in. Claimed? It sounded kind of barbaric, even though it was obviously something that Casey wanted. Every day I learned something more about the MC way of life. On the surface the Wreckers were good people, but my instincts warned me that there was a whole other side of them that I didn't want to see or know about. I wondered if it was the same way for nomads, and then my mind went to Jace. I shook my head with annoyance. I didn't want to think about Jace.

  "So you think something sexy will make him so lust-crazed and smitten with you that he'll claim you in front of the club?"

  Casey laughed. "I know, it’s silly, right?" She parked the car, switched the ignition off, and turned to me. Her expression revealed the seriousness of her next words. "I need protection, Luna. If Jim claims me as his woman, the club will protect me."

  "Why do you need protection?"

  Our eyes remained locked. "From my step-father, Luna."

  I hadn't been expecting that, but then, why hadn't I? Wasn't I worried about the same thing with Seth? "Oh, my God! Has he found you?"

  She shook her head. "It's just a matter of time, though. He won't give up. I know he won't."

  "You need to tell Jim," I encouraged, frightened for her.

  "I'm not going to do that." She turned and sat back, staring out the window. "He'll claim me for the wrong reason, and then I'll never know it if was because he loves me or because he feels obligated because he's fucking me."

  I could see her point. It grew quiet, while outside the roads and sidewalks buzzed with tourists. Someone laid on their horn, and I looked over to see a car screeching to a stop before plowing into the back of another vehicle that was backing out of a parking spot. Casey looked too, and then took a deep breath. Her smile was back when she turned toward me again. "Come on, girlfriend. Let's start this party."

  I could tell that she was faking it. She was really worried about her step-father finding her. I wondered if I should tell Jim, but then Casey would hate me for interfering. I understood her reluctance in telling him and possibly forcing his hand into claiming her for the wrong reasons. The only thing I could do as her friend was try and talk some sense into her, and if that didn't work, I could
at least watch out for her. Thank goodness she had Samson, even if he was a big puppy at heart.

  I followed Casey into the lingerie shop. I wasn't surprised that it was our first stop of the day. It didn't take long before Casey's mood improved and she focused on trying on sexy under garments that were meant to tease and titillate. I found myself checking stuff out, too, even though I had no one to wear it for.

  "Hey, Luna, what do you think of this?"

  Casey's voice pulled me over to the dressing room and a door that was ajar. "Casey?" I didn't just want to assume that it was her and walk in on someone else.

  "Come in!" she rushed out.

  I opened the door and took in her bright smile, and then the rest of her. In actuality, she was wearing more than she would have been if she'd been in a bikini, but everything about what she had on was super sexy and meant to drive a man crazy as he peeled it off her, from the laced corset that pushed her breasts way up over the top, to the tiny matching thong that barely covered her mound, leaving her ass cheeks bare, down to the sheer black stockings that were held up by matching garters.

  "Well?" Her smile went from ear to ear.

  "You look like a slut," I said honestly, grinning back at her. "Hot."

  "Good!" she gushed, posing and looking at herself in the mirror. "Black or red?"

  She was wearing the red one, so I went with that. "Definitely the red one."

  "You won't believe how sexy it makes you feel. Jim's going to love it," she said, fluffing her hair. "You should get something, too."

  I scrunched up my face. "I'd rather get a candle."

  "Okay," she laughed, shooing me out the door. "Let me change and we'll go get your candle."

  I smiled, walking to the front of the store to wait for her. As I was checking out the mannequins in the window, one wearing the very outfit that Casey had decided on, a familiar sound caught my attention. Two men on bikes had just ridden past the store and had pulled into spots in front of a tattoo shop. They were wearing cuts, but they weren't from the Wreckers. They got off their bikes and disappeared inside the shop.